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Vegans Helping Vegans

First and foremost we think you’re AWESOME for being a company creating and upholding the ethics of a Vegan Lifestyle.

And we believe that our Wellness Portal will help you create and spread more Vegan Goodness around the World.

Did you know that a shocking 1 in 10 employees resign from the workplace due to stress in the UK. And 1 in 4 employees have considered resigning due to stress!

5 million working days were lost in the UK due to work related stress, depression or anxiety in 2016/2017

- Mental Health at Work Report 2017

Our Wellness Portal will help empower your employees to deal with stress and so many other issues, both in the workplace and at home.

Organisations perform better when their staff are healthy, motivated and focused. And who doesn’t want a happier, healthier and more focused team.

That’s why our solution focused sessions cover a wide range of topics, all designed to help your employees optimise their physical, emotional and mental wellbeing.

Thereby dramatically improving their quality of life and increasing their performance.

Wellness Leaves Green Circular

7 Core Areas to Empower Your Employees to Reach their Potential

Rest & Relaxation: A good night’s sleep, letting go of stresses and learning to relax properly are vital for our cognitive function, mental fitness, health and wellbeing.

Health & Vitality: Boosting health and wellbeing with increased energy to enjoy life. Feel positive and refuelled in a busy working environment with energy left over to spend with family and friends.

Resilience & Focus: Bouncing back from adversity, remaining calm through challenges and focused during times of pressure. Remain balanced in a chaotic world.

Confidence & Self-Belief: Increasing self-images, boosting self-esteems and increasing self-worth. Who wouldn’t want that for their employees 😉 Gaining the confidence and self-belief to more effortlessly succeed.

Motivation & Action: Becoming a decisive decision maker, efficient action taker and maintaining momentum throughout the day. Experiencing a greater sense of achievement at the end of each day.

Connection & Communication: Overcoming fears such as public speaking, talking on the phone or approaching new people, etc. Gain deeper insights and create meaningful connections with people. Boost your Human Connections and improve customer experience.

Creativity & Mindset: Seeing the creative solutions, becoming a faster thinker and spotting opportunities. Gaining clarity of mind and learning to function productively even in difficult situations.

Cutting Straight Through the Negativity to Activate Peak Performance


The Wellness Portal uses the shared principles of Mindfulness, Meditation and Hypnosis

Hollywood & Hypnosis

Of course they are going to make it look like magic in the movies, they’re story  tellers. Leaving hypno-darts and lightning from the fingers in the movies…

Hypnosis is mainstream. It is a fast and effective solution for overcoming issues and blocks, as well as gaining more peak performance.

Hypnosis has endorsements from: celebrities, athletes, musicians, business leaders and more… who have quietly been using hypnosis for decades for success.

“Hypnosis is becoming a trend among business leaders who are seeking help with performance issues such as focus, speech anxiety, confidence and even goal-setting.”


What's Inside The Hypnosis Lounge?

Access Hypnosis Lounge

Growing Library of Transformative Sessions

Hypnosis has been shown time and time again to rapidly create and strengthen neural connections. When used regularly, the results are exponential... and effortlessly. The ultimate in easy learning and easy relaxation.

Meditation is scientifically proven to reduces stress, improve concentration, focus and impulse control. Promoting a healthy lifestyle, increasing well-being, self-awareness and happiness.

Conscious Mind Primers: Used right, the conscious mind is a powerful tool. Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) contains many practical tools for self-improvement. Taking control of our own internal programming and making it work more efficiently.

PowerNaps: Short 11 min mental recharges and powerful rejuvenators that can be used throughout the day. Power napping is the secret used by some of the worlds most successful people. It's reputed to have been used by the likes of Thomas Edison, Einstein and many more.

Online 24-Hour Wellness Portal - Ethical Exchanges

The Hypnosis Lounge - Vegan Business Portal

The Hypnosis Lounge is an immersive and interactive digital platform of wellbeing hypnosis and meditation sessions, Mind Camps and NLP toolkits. Packed with resources and strategies your employees can use in their daily lives, both at work and at home.

Inside the Hypnosis Lounge the entire library is always available with unlimited streaming access 24 hours a day.

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Join the Growing Movement of Conscious Employers

Social Responsibility begins within, investing in your employees and their futures. Listening to their workplace issues and wider concerns, and offering practical and effective solutions.

Improving Employee Experience & Increasing Your Profits

Research consistently shows that employers investing in workplace wellbeing have the potential to see significant returns on their investments. That means more Vegan Goodness.

Everyone in your organisations can benefit from using the Wellness Portal for success, relaxation and more… at work and home.

100% Vegan Hypnosis

We are driven by the same ethic.

All of our sessions are 100% Vegan, our Hypnotherapist, John Vincent adopted a Vegan Lifestyle in the late summer of 1995.

John has learnt from UK hypnotist and self help phenomenon Paul McKenna PhD and his teacher, the co-creator of NLP, Dr Richard Bandler.

With over 20 years in private practice as well recording, and teaching, hypnosis and NLP, John is one of the founding developers of FireStarter Business NLP program and has spoken at trainings and events in the UK and abroad.

John continues to develop his own mind with over 3,600 of accredited CPD in the last 15 years alone.

Taking both his expertise in hypnosis and NLP John blends them to create unique and powerful Transformative Hypnosis, Meditations and Conscious Mind Primer sessions. Helping your employees unleash their full potential.

Our Wellness Portal is about helping Vegan Businesses create happier, more efficient workplaces, and thereby spreading more Vegan Goodness around the World.

Get Started - Contact Our Team Below

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