
Pure Relaxation Free Download

This Powerful Mind Reprogramming Hypnosis Session retunes your mind to reduce stress and increase your happiness and well being

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“Your hypnosis recordings though give me an out of body experience like no other”

Sue de Jonge

5 stars

“I now look forward to other opportunities where I can speak in public. Thank you for working with me and helping me make this difference in my life.”

Marty Drury ~ Therapist & Life Coach, United Kingdom

5 stars

“This is truly awesome. I went so deep at one point that, all self-awareness dissolved. This is powerful…"

Ivory E. Mobley

5 stars

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Meet Your Facilitator - John Vincent


John Vincent is a founder of the Hypnosis Lounge.

With over 20 years experience practicing, recording and teaching hypnosis and NLP, John is highly regarded as a Master Practioner.

John learned NLP directly from the co-creator Dr Richard Bandler. For the last 16 years he has been a part of the Core NLP Assisting Team in the UK, helping tens of thousands of people to learn NLP.

JV signature
John training practioners in the UK at NLP Life
John training practioners in the UK at NLP Life
With Dr Richard Bandler and the team
With Dr Richard Bandler and the team
Global Congress Of Spiritual Scientists India
Global Congress Of Spiritual Scientists India

Get Ready For More With The Hypnosis Lounge

Motivation & Action

Turbocharge your motivation at will and get excited to take action as you  become primed to get results

Rest & Relaxation

From deeper sleep to more mindful meditations, give yourself the downtime you deserve

Abundant Mindset

The life of your dreams starts with the thoughts in your mind. Discover how to become ready for abundance

Peak Performance

Propel yourself into the zone and skyrocket your self-confidence. Program your mind for optimum success


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Here's What You Get Inside

Pure Relaxation Hypnosis Session Download

Pure Relaxation Theta Session Download

Incredible community of personal development focused people to support you on your journey

Ways to earn NeuraTokens so you can download more hypnosis sessions for free!

Future Access to Exclusive world class Meditation Music and Harmonic Brainwave Synchronisation tracks


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Experience Transformative Neuro Hypnosis™

Taking both his expertise in hypnosis and NLP John blends them with cutting edge Brainwave Synchronisation technologies.

This unique and powerful method of change is called Transformative Neuro Hypnosis.

TNH™ blasts through the self doubt and critical internal dialog. It zooms straight to your subconscious and effortlessly reprograms your mind for instant change.

The result is a pronounced effect on your subconscious mind, altering unwanted patterns of behavior, washing away negative belief systems.

Harmonic Brainwave Synchronization

Your brain is brimming with electrical activity every single minute of your life.

Each Brainwave differs from each other by their frequency.

From the busy Beta waves of normal waking conditions, to the deep Delta brainwaves of sleep.

Theta Brainwaves sit on the cusps between relaxed Alpha and the deep sleep of Delta.

It is here that you are in the perfect state for accelerated learning.

Each powerful session use's Harmonic Brainwave Synchronization to go deep into your unconscious mind and maximise your hidden potential.


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World Class Meditation Music

Featuring the beautiful music of Dr Christopher Lloyd Clark BSc, MscD, Niraj 'amAya' Naik and more... Music which encourages deep relaxation, spiritual awakening, healing and altered states of consciousness.

Created with just the pure essentials, featuring gentle wandering melodies and harmonically rich instruments.

The captivating combinations of sounds will relax you to your core, encouraging your mind to become still.

"In all my time working with people and helping them make personal breakthroughs I had never seen anything work as fast as John can.”

Niraj Naik ~ Renegade Pharmacist, creator of SOMA Breath



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